First Annual Healthy Harvest Heroes Fun Run!
This year the Bettye J. McCormick Senior Center is hosting the first Annual Healthy Harvest Hero’s Fun Walk. This event will be held on October 28, 2020 at 10:00 am at the Bettye J. McCormick Senior Center. This “Walk and Roll” is dedicated to our seniors and special needs heroes who are working towards a healthier lifestyle through fun and exciting avenues.
The Walk and Roll will be on a set course throughout the Senior Center’s outdoor walking track and adjacent parking lot. Colorful powder will be blasted into the air amid the walk, coloring the clients with bright colors. Our heroes will be sporting a full spectrum of colors as they “Walk and Roll” over the finish line.
This event is planned to provide healthy exercise opportunities and promote health and wellness regardless of age or mobility.
At the end of the “Walk and Roll” our heroes will celebrate the last lap with a DJ and the last color blast of the walk. Food and fun await the rest of the afternoon as the heroes celebrate the afternoon with their friends.
Print out the below form if you would like to sponsor this event! Please Return Forms to:
YMCA Bettye J. McCormick Senior 2009 Prospect Ave. Vincennes, IN 47591
Healthy Harvest Hero Fun Walk Sponsorship Form