Exploring Nature at Ouabache Trails Park

OuabacheTrails1Camp Green visited Ouabache (Wabash) Trails to explore nature and learn about wetlands with park staff and volunteers. Campers in grades K-3 searched the woods and the creeks on Trail 7 on a wetland scavenger hunt. Tasked with finding items including an animal track, poison ivy, an insect-eaten leaf, and evidence of people, the campers explored the trail, identifying insects and plants along the way. (more…)

Horses Visit Camp

HorseOur day campers learned about horses and farriers when Ron Ice visited last week. He talked about horse safety and how to approach a horse. Campers listened to Ron explain how to respect horses while enjoying the company they have to offer. Campers learned the importance of practicing safety around a horse and Ron taught them the fundamentals of how to respect a horse so it will respect a rider.
